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(7826 bytes)UKRAINE LIKE IT IS.

In the past Ukraine was one of the 15 republics of the former Soviet Union. Since August 1991 it has been a sovereign state with its own organs of state power and administration, its anthem, flag and emblem.

Ukraine is a land of scenic beauty with broad expanses of seas and rivers, green carpets of fields and meadows, grassy rolling hills and wooded mountains.

The capital of Ukraine is Kiev, stretching along the picturesque banks of the legendary full-flowing Dnipro (the Dnieper River). The nature and vibrant streets of the city fully accord with its status as a political, administrative, economic, scientific and cultural center.

The core of a big branchy tree as Ukraine is, Kiev has a history rooted deeply into ancient times. According to an old legend it was founded at the end of the 5th century by three brothers Kyi, Shchek, Khoriv and their sister Lybid who settled on the hills near the Dnipro and called their town-citadel Kiev after the name of their brother Kyi. Modern talented sculptors immortalized the legend in bronze - a graceful boat with the founders of Kiev that stands on the bank of the Dnipro River.

The most popular and well-known Ukrainian dish is surely Borshch, an aromatic and appetizing cabbage-soup of some 20 ingredients. It may be cooked with beef, chicken, or pork, baked beets, beans and mushrooms. Traditional in the Ukrainian menu are Varenyky, a type of boiled dumplings with various fillings (cherries, strawberries, fried mushrooms, curd, chopped liver, etc.) and Golubtsy - cabbage rolls stuffed with minced meat.

If you have occasion to be at the Ukrainian home, you will be charmed by the sincere warmth of hosts and lavish home-made food for the Ukrainians are traditionally known to be hearty and hospitable people.

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