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Northern Star of the European Constellation.

:Pure nature, beautiful lakes and rivers, Midnight Sun, sauna, dainty of national food :

FinlandPolar circle and charming Lapland.

Lapland - real fairy tale of our childhood, where lives Santa Claus! And Rovaniemi: magnificent ski lines dissecting sparking snows, safari on reindeer and : motor-sledge, and festivals.

FinlandFinland has a wealth of unforgettable experiences to offer tourists, and all of them relate in one way or another to the beauty of the country's natural environment. The expanses of wilderness, the tens of thousands of lakes, the extensive archipelago and fells of Lapland are all worth witnessing and experiencing. Finland's national parks are good starting points for discovering Finnish nature.

Finland - paradise on water,"
                                                the country of
the tens of thousands of lakes ",
                             and "green gold " :

Up ] Sweden ] [ Finland ] Denmark ]
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