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Here, perhaps more than anywhere else, the Poet would have found "the land blue like an orange". The embraces of the blue sea, the orange groves, and the jasmine bushes create at every moment the thousand and one tones of a thrilling harmony of perfume and color.

A climate always temperate and agreeable creates enjoyment of places and occasions. Neither is the summer too hot, nor the winter severe.

HAMMAMET needs no introduction.

This beauty spot is surely the most famous in all Tunisia and even in the whole of North Africa.

We can show the attraction that Hammamet has for the bodies and souls of its visitors merely by reciting from memory the names of the illustrious men it has greeted: Flaubert, Maupassant, Gide, and Winston Churchill, without mentioning the present-day personalities who come each year to taste the joy of living: Francoise SAGAN, Jean Daniel, Francois CHATELET, Sophia Loren: Tunisia

Tunis is three hundred kilometers of the Mediterranean coast, vast sandy beaches, plantation of citrus, olives and dates, ancient cities, noisy colorful markets, ruins of ancient Roman and Phoenician settlements, where were saved magnificent two-millennial mosaic.

Here have kept the indelible track ancient cultures - Berberian, Byzantian and Arabian.

TunisiaTo feel charm of this country, it is necessary to spend at least one day among the gold sands of Sahara, to be penetrated by its conciliative beauty and silence, to dream, looking at the silver stars in the black velvet sky in the night, to see famous mirages on Great salt lake.

On resorts HAMMAMET and Sousse for you - medical thermal springs, perfect beaches, hotel in modern or Arabian style, high level of service. Tunis is open to the world and accepts the European lifestyle that allows foreign guests to feel freely. 

7 days, ***, avia, HB,
650 USD

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