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 What to see in Lviv
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What to see in Lviv

The Lviv Historical Museum

lvivThe Museum's collection is one of the oldest and largest in Ukraine. The museum is more than 100 year old.
The expositions and depositories occupy buildings ## 4 to 6, 24 on the Rynok Square which themselves are unique architectural monuments. The exposition ranging from prehistory to the medieval times is on view in the building # 24. The presentation of such historical periods as Kyivan Rus, Halytsko-Volynska State, the 1648/54 Liberation war, the Pylyp Orlik Constitution, and the development in the West-Ukrainian territories was modified.

The Museum of Religion History
The museum houses the St. Dominic Cathedral and Monastery, architectural monuments, dating from the 16th - 18th cc. The collection of the Museum includes more than 50 000 exhibits.
Alongside with the Christian sacral things, the Judaic, Buddhist, Muslim ritual items are being displayed in the Museum.

Lviv, Latin CathedralThe National Museum in Lviv
The National Museum in Lviv is one of the richest of the kind in Ukraine. There are more than 100 000 exhibits in its depositories.

The Museum was founded in 1905 by Metropolitan Andriy Sheptytsky. Its organizer and the first director was a distinguished philosopher and specialist on the fine history, professor Illarion Sventitski.

A unique collection of the Ukrainian 14th - 18th century icons, old books, sculpture, paintings, engravings, folk art items are included on view for guests. The collection is divided into the following sections: the Ukrainian art of the 11th - 18th c.; the Ukrainian art of the 19th century; the Ukrainian art of the 20th century; folk art.

The Lviv Museum of Folk Life and Architecture (out-door museum)
LvivThe Museum was founded in 1971 and covers the North-Eastern Lviv area named Shevchenkivsky Hai (the Shevchenko Garden).
The Museum features samples of folk architecture (dwellings, farms, workshops and public constructions).

The Lviv Museum of Ethnography and Crafts
The Museum of the Ethnographic Studies Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, is one of the richest in the country. Its depository includes 83 000 exhibits. They form the basis of a display, which is housed in the building of the former Halitsky Saving Bank.
The display features the traditional garments from different ethnographic areas of Ukraine. Among the strengths of the display is the collection of the Poltava carpets, icons and church woodcuts of the 17th - 19th centuries.

lvivOther "what-to-see" in Lviv:

Glory Hill Memorial,
State Historical and Architectural Reserve.
There is a number of monuments of different periods
and styles, among them -Mykolaivska (St. Nicholas) Church, 13th century;
Armenian Cathedral 14th - 20th centuries;
Rynok Square architectural ensemble, 14th - 19th centuries;
Uspenska (Assumption) Church architectural ensemble, 1600-1630;
Yura (St. George) Cathedral;
Cathedral, 1360-1474;
Powder Tower, 1554-1556;
Royal Arsenal, 1639;
Opera House, 1897-1900.
Monuments to:
T. Shevchenko,
S. Fedorov, the first printer,
I. Franko.

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