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Italy, endlessly perfect and simultaneously treacherous, similarly to a magic ring, centuries attracted to itself the kings and scientists, sacred, poets and travelers. " ETERNAL attraction " - so named country, which charmed to itself people tending here through the heavy seas and mountains, but also today its attractive force throws the travelers in vanity of the airports and stations, which should be overcome.



The continuous chain of resort cities stretches along the Adriatic coast, the most famous of which - Rimini. From Rimini only 200 kms up to Venice with surprising beautiful Piazza Saint-Маrkо, imposing Cathedral Saint-Маrko and stone lace Palace Dozhey.

VeniceIt's no distance to Florence (160 kms) -Original City - museum under the open sky. Still the city is known not only by its places of interest, but also by jewelers.

Wherever you are in Italy, under a bright sunshade on a beach of Rivera or in shops of Rome, you cannot avoid charm of Italy. Here you will learn how to really enjoy the life!

7 days, Stockholm ***, avia, BB, 970 USD

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