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Slovenia. Small, yet so diverse, dynamic and challenging, green and hospitable, safe and easily accessible.

It remains full of undiscovered little corners, which never cease to amaze even the most experienced traveler.

You can be taken through this land at the intersection of the Alps and the Mediterranean, reveal the charming beauties of the coast and Karst, the thermal spas, the mountains and lakes, not to mention the countryside and towns.

Part of maritime Slovenia reflects the azure tint of the Adriatic Sea.

This is a land where picturesque Mediterranean towns burgeon with the scent of rosemary and lavender.

The coastal plain gives way to the high Karst with its magnificent subterranean world. In this region the sun and sea make one's day, while Teran wine and prosciutto ham cheer the spirit and fill the soul with joy.

For adventurous spirits and restless souls it is recommended to visit the subterranean world under the leadership of experienced guides.

There are 6500 caves which have been explored and measured as well as over 1000 unexplored caves the deepest of which reaches a depth of 1300 meters and the longest measuring many many kilometers.



In under an hour drive inland from the sea, one is already at the border of a more than 20 km underground cave system - popularly known as Postojna Cave - several kilometers of which has been accessible to the amazed eyes of tourists for over 200 years. Skocjanska Cave, which is under the special protection of UNESCO, is even closer to the sea: a gigantic hollow into which a river disappears and which, in the subterranean interior, transforms into a canyon over one hundred meters deep, the end of which cannot be touched by the human gaze even when assisted by a strong light. Whoever wants to feel the chill of goose-bumps raising on the skin when realizing how minuscule and vainglorious is man and, in the same instant, to come into contact with a dramatic eternal mystery, must step into this dark and majestic Gothic world.

A different but equally exceptional experience can be found at Predjama Castle, built in a 123 meter tall craggy cliff, complete with a picaresque story about a plundering knight and how he met his early end.

8 days, Bernardin ***, avia, HB, 850 USD

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