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 Czech Republic
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Czech Republic

Czech Republic, Prague Prague is Wltawa with numerous bridges, Gradchany - residence of the emperors, kings and presidents. It is palaces, churches and towers.

Capital of the Czech Republic - is not only administrative, but also cultural center.

Prague is rich in bright contrasts: along with classical festivals extravagant modern art is demonstrated here, nearby to crowded pedestrian business streets it is possible to find silent, cozy cafes.

Prague is called "a city of hundred towers ", "Gold City ", "the symphony in a stone and color ". Cinemas, cafe and numerous shops and boutiques surround business center -Watzlaw Square.

Staromestsky square was built up as far back as the 12th century and consequently is especially interesting for tourists. Here it is possible to sit at a little table of street cafe and to observe many-colored fuss around. In the located nearby Kinsky Palace - building of epoch of late Baroque - it is possible to see the exhibition of graphics from National gallery.

Czech Republic, Prague

Czech Republic, Prague

To examine places of interest, it is enough to wander through the city on foot. For example, constructed in 14th century Karl's bridge with its statues is a sine qua non minimum during the stay in Prague.The Prague City, Gradchany (one of the largest fortresses in the world) - political downtown.St. Wit Cathedral - place of coronation and funeral of the kings.

Czech Republic, PragueThis powerful building and famous St. Watzlaw chapel is obligatory sights of the tourist program.

Those who like to eat well will not stay indifferent.

The ham, dumplings, game dishes (pheasant) or roe - all this waits for you in any restaurant.

Well and, certainly, famous Czech beer, which enjoys wide popularity all over the world. 

7 days, Krystal ***, avia, BB, 645 USD

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