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PolandPoland - many-sided country. It is both ancient cities, such as: Krakow, Torun, Gdansk, Wrotzlaw, Poznan being the present treasuries of medieval and Renaissance architecture and art, and also modern urban megapolicies as, for example, Warsaw, Krakow or Gdynya.

Nature has generously gifted Poland. In the north the wide sandy beaches stretched along the coast of the Baltic sea at the distance more than 560 km, and also picturesque nooks among a luxuriant nature of Pomorsky and Mazursky lake regions. Primeval forests attract hunters and mushroomers, numerous lakes - water sports lovers and fishers. Country is intersected by many rivers, longest of which is Vistula (1000 kms). The diverse landscape from the south is fenced with two mountain ridges: Sudety and Carpathians. Due to the location of the country, it is convenient to arrive here by any kind of transport.

Poland is famous for its warmth of feeling, Slavonic hospitality and delightful kitchen, in which the meat and vegetable dishes prevail.

Poland, Gdansk

Gdansk - city located in a mouth of Vistula and Motlawa - one of the largest Polish seaports after Gdynya and Szczecin - Swinoustze. The history of Gdansk takes the beginning in the 10th Century. There are a lot of monuments, especially in the area of the Old City. The unique beauty of Renaissance Golden Gate, building of a town hall, Gothic Yard of Artus, decorative Neptune Fountain, Mariatsky Roman-Catholic church, houses of middle classes, in particular Zlota Kamenitza, also enchants tourists. The assembly of a Gdansk National museum also deserves attention.

PolandWarsaw - capital of Poland, largest Polish city. During the Second World War Hitler's army razed the city to the ground but despite it the inhabitants of Warsaw in the first post-war years have restored the capital. Today here come more than 1 mln. of tourists, where they will see monuments, the most of which can be seen in the area of the Old óity (numerous Roman-Catholic churches, including a St. Ian óathedral where coronations of the Polish kings were held). It is possible to examine internal furniture of the Royal castle, in which the numerous works of art are assembled. Also there is a lot of ancient temples (including the church of St. Cross, where the urn with the heart of Frederick Chopin is kept), castles of the magnates of the city. It is necessary to visit Lazenky - the most beautiful palace-park ensemble of Poland, former summer residence of the king Stanislaw August Ponyatovsky, art-lover and patron of the artists. In the spacious park there are historical monuments, in particular, Palace "On water " and monument to the composer F. Chopin, each summer Sunday there are concerts of his compositions.

poland Warsaw
7 days, ***, avia, BB,
600 USD 

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