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Hungary, Budapest You must have heard about Hungary,maybe you know people who have been to Budapest and the area around it, a sort of megapolis, with a ring of charming resort settlements.

Hungary is proud to have one of the world's most beautiful capital cities, "pearl of the Danube",with the wonderful panorama that UNESCO has listed as a part of the World Heritage.
The Budapest region can easily be the perfect holiday destination for the "culture vultures", the travelers and the tourists. For everyone? Yes, we think so. Budapest still offers its old advantages.

All in all, what is most charming about Hungary these days is the unique equilibrium between tradition and innovation. Straightforward kindness and Internet-oriented sophistication. What has not changed: the unbelievably attractive scenery: the mighty river and the panorama, the homogeneous urban jungle that is so pleasant to discover either in groups or individually. And the localities nearby providing comfortable rest. Active or passive eating or fasting. Hungary
Some other reasons to visit Hungary:
2000-year-old Roman remains and 400-year-old Turkish monuments stand side by side;
as well as fine Romanesque churches (at Jack, Lebenyszentmiklos, Pannonhalma),
once proud fortresses (in Eger, Sumeg, Siklos),
and splendid mansions now housing hotels (in Szirak, Seregelyes, Nagycenk), to mention only a few of the most famous,
where Central Europe's biggest lake, the Balaton, is a real paradise for families with young children;
Hungary, Budapest
where healing waters rise from hundreds of springs, helping thousands of people to regain their health.

8 days, Ibis-Aero ***, avia, BB, 635 USD

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