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Germany, Berlin Germany... Country of automobiles, beer and meat items. This is the traditional idea about this country of the majority of people. However besides, Germany is also a cultural oasis of Europe. For example, in Berlin, you can examine a museum of cultural treasures of Prussia, the collection of subjects of art of Ancient Egypt and pictures by the old artists in the complex Dalem, and in national gallery - pictures dated 19-20 centuries are kept.

Among historical monuments and architecture sights it is necessary to mark in Berlin:
The Brandenburg Gate (1788-1791),Germany, Berlin
Building of an arsenal (1695-1706),
St. Hedwig Cathedral (1747-1773),
St. Nickolai Cathedral in Gothic style (14 century),
Building of Reichstag (1884-1894),
Largest in the world zoo,
Botanical garden,
Trept Park (complex of monuments to the Soviet soldiers).

GermanyIn Bonn:
Cathedral in Roman style (11-13 centuries),
Town hall of 1782,
The house, where in 1770 Ludwig van Beethoven was born , Building of parliament (1950),
Country house Hammerschmidt (residence of the president of country),
Schaumburg Palace (residence of the federal chancellor).

GermanyIn Koln:
Koln's Cathedral in Gothic style with two spires height 157 meters, in a Cathedral there are remains of three wizards, brought, according to New Testament, gifts to infant Jesus,
Church Saint-Moris-im-Kapital (1049), Saint-Klibert (13 century), zoo, aquarium,
Botanical garden.

7 days, ***, avia, BB,
960 USD

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