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HollandIn the Netherlands there is a certain paradox: ask any Dutch, in what a difference between Amsterdam and Rotterdam, and he will answer you not hesitating: " In Rotterdam money is earned, and in Amsterdam money is spent! " Today even largest patriot of Rotterdam can agree that Amsterdam is a remarkable city. Channels in historical downtown and famous all over the world architecture of ancient private residences which date 17 century remind you of days, when the Republic Netherlands not only discovered new lands, but also was considered as one of most powerful marine state.

HollandFor the tourist who makes traditional tour on steamboat along city channels, Amsterdam appears before him as the present megapolicy, which existence is hard to believe, when you are in such a small country as the Netherlands. Prosperous townspeople of 17 century did not share well-known love of the Dutch to simplicity and, in a literal sense, "made the way to top ". The atmosphere of tolerance and freedom in intellectual sphere attracted in medieval Amsterdam artists and scientists from all over the world, and the fruits of their creativity can be seen in modern museums of city.

Unlike those capitals, which glory has remained far in the past, Amsterdam always developed. The city has a strong reputation of intellectual and cultural free harbor. It is theatrical and musical center of country and source of inspiration for the artists from different regions of the world.

HollandAmsterdam is a cultural mixture, where more than hundred nationalities live, and where it is possible to find restaurants with cuisine of any nook of the planet. Nobody challenges also the role of Amsterdam as a cultural capital of the Netherlands. Besides a Royal museum ("Ryaksmuseum"), Van Gogh Museum and Stedlyak Museum, in Amsterdam there are many other small and less known museums. A pleasant surprise for the visitors can become museums "Van Loon" and "Villet Holthausen", located in merchants' private residences of 17th century, with original atmosphere of that time. 

8 days, Edenhotel or Galaxy ***, avia, BB, 975 USD

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